En·n envayaun in don a Chubri, vou li’aïdée a mètt su pië sé projit d linghistiq du galo pourr rendd sèrviç é caozou d’astourr e dé p·rchin ten. Vou pèrmètée itou ô souèton d dependd mein dé-z aïdd publliq.
L’ souèton Chubri a l’ drët d delivrë dé rçu fiscao qhi pèrmètt d’avaer in rabées d’inpôz d 66 du çent du don. Meton, in don d 1000 urô rvièn a 340 urô aprée l’ rabées d’inpôz. Si vou pèyée d-z inpôz, en fzaun in don vou chouézissée vou-minm de mètt ënn part d la sonm pourr la saovgardd e la rdon·nézon du galo.
Vou pouvée envèyë vott don parr cheq a n’inportt qhë monment a : Chubri, 23 rabinn de Ghuyenn, 35000 Rënn.
Sensa, vou pouvée férr in virment banqhérr periodiq.
Chubri ée in « souèton d’interées jenera ». Parr le fètt, i renplleni lé touâz condiçion-la : il aji pouint pourr in çèrcl fronmë d bon·n jen ; sa jéçion ée dezinteréssée ; sa fzaunç ée pouint pensée pourr crèyë d-z elij a partaïjë é menbr.
Vu q son·n ouvraïj ée mnée den le dmënn qhultura e q’il ée d’interées jenera, l’ souèton peu rçevaer dé don e delivrë dé rçu fiscao qhi pèrmètt é don·nou d’avaer drët a in rabées d’inpôz en prinçip pourr ënn sonm egal a 66 du çent d la sonm payée den la limitt de 20 du çent du rvenu inpôzabl entiër nètt.
Lé contt de Chubri son etablli d souètië do in cab·rnot contabl qhi s’assurr qe lé contt son lojiq e q nen peû s fië den yeû. En pu d sa, ënn fae l’aun, lé contt de l’an·née contabl de dvaunt e l’ contt de boursée d l’an·née contabl a vni son p·rzentë a la grandd assenbllée pourr yétt ag·rië. Duraun l’an·née lé chouâz su l’uzaïj de la boursée son deçidë parr le consalh dirijaunt.
By donating to Chubri, you are helping the organization put its Gallo linguistic expertise at the service of speakers of today and tomorrow. You are also helping the organization become more financially independent and less reliant on public aid.
Chubri is authorized to distribute tax receipts that can grant a tax decrease worth 66% of the amount donated. A donation of 1000 euros would thus cost you only 340 euros after the tax decrease is taken into account. If you pay taxes, a donation to Chubri would be a means for you to devote a part of what you owe in taxes to the safeguarding and transmission of Gallo.
You can address your donation by check at any time to: Chubri, 23 avenue de Guyenne, 35000 Rennes.
If you wish to set up a recurring contribution by bank transfer, you may.
Chubri is an organization that works for the common good. It thus fulfills the following three conditions: it does not operate in favor of a small group of people; its management is impartial; and finally, it exerts a not-for-profit activity.
Because it works in the cultural domain and in the public interest, Chubri is authorized to receive donations and to distribute tax receipts that permit the donor to benefit from a tax reduction. In principle, the tax reduction amounts to 66% of the sum versed, up to 20% of the donor’s net total taxable income.
Chubri’s bookkeeping has been set up in collaboration with an expert accounting firm that verifies the consistency and credibility of the accounts. Moreover, accounts of the past period’s transactions, and the provisional budget for the new period, are presented each year for approval by the general assembly. During the year, budgetary decisions are made by the board of directors.