L’institu Chubri souètt aïdë a rdon·në l’ galo é nouvèl jenerâçion e é horvenu. Den l’idée-la, son but ée d crayë d-z outi linghistiq fondmentao pourr pèrmètt d’etudië e de s sèrvi du galo ô jour d’anët.
Chubri aji dedpée 2007 a travéer lé dmënn-çi :
Ô parr-su, l’institu mënn dé fzaunç de devlopment pourr fèrr cnétt le galo e sensibilizë l'mondd su l-z enjeû du ravivèij de ste parlement : d la ghimentri, dé contribuçion a dé banî, dé préchée, dé propôzée pourr defini dé politiq publliq, la prinzz part é rézô souètonniéer…
► lé banî
The Chubri institute aims to encourage the transmission of Gallo. Its goal is to create basic linguistic tools to allow for the study and use of Gallo today.
Since 2007, Chubri has been active in the following domains:
At the same time, it carries out different development initiatives to make Gallo more widely known, and to make people aware of the stakes at play in the revitalization of this language: dissemination of information, editorial contributions, organized lectures, proposals defining public policies, participation in networks of organizations…